Monday, August 29, 2016

Newly Studied Particle:

'The Poop Particle'

Coliform colonies growing on nutrient rich purple agar

Ever wonder what types of toxic gases one releases when they lift a cheek and beef?  We're told that commonly released flatulence consists of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen. The rest of the fart consists of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans which gives it that rich, bold aroma. Nothing toxic in moderate doses although I am sure your Aunt Sally will tell you that your Uncle Sal almost suffocated her under their bedroom sheets.

So since the dangers associated with flatulence are largely limited to unpleasant odors and sleeping under the same set of sheets as your Uncle Sal, we have nothing to worry about...

or... do... we... ???

You ever heard of a shart? For those who haven't, a shart is simply a sh*t-fart. When you think your going to fart, but you end up sh*tting yourself. Now the truth is that every fart is actually a shart to some extent whereas the erupting gases expel little pieces of poop which are usually filtered out by your underwear. Depending on the frequency of flatulence, one may soil themselves quite badly throughout the day without ever knowing it.

Armed with this insight, a semester long study was held at Rudgers University in order to determine the quantity of poop particles expelled from the anus in any given occurrence of flatulence.  To do this, farts were measured by size, shape, color, and chemical composition. Volunteers of all sexes, ages, and ethnicities took turns ripping ass into a newly designed and patent pending device designed specifically for catching and encapsulating farts. The inventor of this machine, Ms. Wendy Hinds, Director of “Project Back Draft” explains that this device was originally used in a study conducted on cows at a cattle ranch in Southern Texas. The machine was then re-purposed and greatly modified to fit humans. Wendy says: “Well, you've got to understand that my original design was tailored to fit a cow”. Wendy goes on to say that it was incredibly challenging trying to fit these on people and the participants felt very silly wearing them. After several weeks of engineering, a simplified model emerged and science worthy data began to be collected.

The methodology for the testing criteria involved filtering the flatulence through approximately 100 mL of pure, reverse osmosis filtered water. The water was then tested using membrane filtration techniques and set on an incubated petri dish of nutrient rich agar for 6-24 hours depending on the type of bacteria parameters tested for. Because the amount of particles were found to be way above the testable limit, dilution was required to accurately gauge the amount of poop particles and subsequent total coliform colonies which arise. This was accomplished by pipetting approximately 5 mL of the 100 mL of flatulence water and then testing via membrane filtration techniques. The results of this study were then averaged and reapplied to the average standardized flatulence episode parameters.

It was determined through this rigorous study that the average fart contains nearly 800,000 micro-sized particles of poop. An amount which clearly exceeds the permissible exposure limits of Aunt Sally. Furthermore, it is very possible that persons exposed to regular flatulence may become ill from E.Coli.

Ms. Hinds examines a participants underwear before sampling 
A follow up study was then conducted with the collection of hundreds of freshly used underwear where a clipping of the fabric was performed from the skid stained anus housing region and then tested for its leeching properties. This study has gained support from OSHA and the Department of Labor (DOL) as the leeching of fecal matter has a great potential for being transferred to professionals such as dry cleaners as well as other cross contamination risks.  A key step in understanding farts and accounting for many variables which had to be considered in determination of the quantity of fecal matter released in the atmosphere such as that which was caught as well as portions of farts that were not caught by the various fabrics used to manufacture underwear.  Although Ms. Hinds is not yet ready to release her follow up data, she insists that proper precautions be taken by both the 'Farter' and the 'Fartie'.  

So next time you're letting loose and people run away in disgust, know that you've crop dusted a wide radial perimeter with poop particles and folks have good reason to want to avoid contact.  

Where else may you come in contact with air borne poop particles?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

Friday, July 8, 2016

Contaminants in Public Water Systems - ASBESTOS

Photograph 1:  Asbestos containing material (ACM) that has been properly wrapped in 6 mil. poly, sealed and labeled for disposal.
Worried about contaminants in the public water supply?  Well you should be.  What kind of contaminants?  Let's start with one that you'd probably never think you were drinking.  Let's start with ASBESTOS.  That's right the evil A-word!  You've all seen those lawyer commercials looking for mesothelioma victims to get a piece of that Superfund moola, but how is a mineral that is used in the manufacturing of materials like brake pads, floor tiles and roofing tars possibly getting into the public water supply that we're using to drink?  Well, that's the bitch of it.  Up to 82% of the water main pipes installed over the last 100 years until the late 1980's were reported as being asbestos containing materials (ACM).  
Photograph 2:  Cementitious asbestos water main pipes removed from below grade.
These aging public water supply pipes are slowly degrading and releasing gazillions of asbestos fibers that are known to kill those who inhale or ingest enough of them.  So if this is true, then surely there must be some kind of maximum contaminant level (MCL) to ensure babies aren't being given a deadly dose of the mineral in their drinking formula, right?  Well, of course there is.  Don't be silly.  How irresponsible do you think the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is?  The MCL for asbestos in drinking water is a mere seven (7) million fibers per liter of water (MFL).  That's it.  Anymore may be dangerous to our health. Besides next time someone asks you what you had for lunch, you can be very witty and say: "asbestos".
Photograph 3:  Close up view of cementitious asbestos pipe.  Two forms of asbestos fibers can be identified; crocidolite (blue) and chrysotile (white).
Now let us sit back and think about what we do with this asbestos laced water.  So we've already thought about drinking it or otherwise consuming it by preparing food with it.  Let's see we also bathe and irrigate with it.  Hmmm.  That doesn't really seem to be a problem.  Although you know eventually that water has to dry up and all those asbestos fibers are going to be left over and blowing around in the air inside and outside of our homes.  

But how bad could it be to regularly inhale asbestos fibers?  Well, when an asbestos abatement is conducted by licensed contractors in public buildings such as schools, they are required to run a set of clearance finals within the containment unit where the asbestos was removed.  This involves the collection of at least five (5) air samples plus field/sealed blanks to be collected for analysis.  These air samples, collected through a filtered cassette with a minimum volume of 1200 L, are tested using a transmission electron microscope (TEM).  This thing zooms way the hell in there and an analyst quantifies the amount of asbestos in the sample.  Anything over the regulated limit of 70 structures per square millimeter FAILS.  Pretty strict for being inside a negatively pressurized containment unit with high powdered HEPA filtered air scrubbers.  They must be really worried about the toxicity of this shit.  

So what should we do?  Abatement workers are required to wear class C hazmat scrubs which consists of a tyvek suit, gloves, rubber booties and an air purifying respirator.  Not really something we can knock around in.
Photograph 4:  Asbestos handler spraying amended water inside a bag of ACM waste.
We can always use air sampling equipment in our homes to monitor the air via collection of TEMs.  Although, the lab analysis costs of over $500.00 a set would probably be more than most of us would like to spend.  Oh well, guess we are just doomed by this damned mineral.
Photograph 5:  Low flow air monitoring equipment.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Bhat Bangor, Student at the Indian Technical Institute of Bombay, India engaged in his studies.

Looking to start a new career?  Well, there's always work available as a medical professional. That's why we've selected the 'Medical Profession' to take a deeper look inside of this week.  But how do we become a medical professional? Take the gentleman pictured here, for instance. This student is studying for a rewarding career where he will learn to apply the most modern techniques and technologies toward the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and illnesses that'll likely be plaguing folks like us in the future.

What appears to be an odd encounter between a young Indian man and a rubber anus, is actually an online introductory course on a cutting edge medical procedure that will surely save the lives of many, many people. While ensuring the patients comfort with gentle hands, a soft toned voice, and proper lubrication, Bhat Bangor performs an internal examination in search of any abnormalities in the patients rectum and colon. While doing so, the student also learns progressive multitasking skills that will boost his productivity. Here, while the patient is receiving an anal probing, the student also administers a vision test. This serves as a good distraction for patients as well as being an effective time saver which in turn reduces patient wait times (no one likes sitting in the waiting room when they showed up on time).

In addition to the common issues that may occur, Bhat is learning to deal with some unusually challenging situations requiring critical thinking and troubleshooting. During the anal probing segment of this computer generated simulation the patient over strained his eyes trying to identify the letters on the eye chart and becomes cock-eyed. Not to worry though, by utilizing a state-of-the-art tuning rod which produces advanced resonating frequencies in order to cause a mild trauma to the brain, the student was able to pull off a successful reversal of his cock-eyedness.  Later in the simulation a complication arises when a nurse turns on a microwave oven in which emits waves of radiation that caused the students probing tool to react like a jack hammer causing the patient to suffer severe rectal tearing and subsequent bleeding which required cauterization.  On a positive note, the vision tests indicated that the patient had perfect 20/20 vision even after having gone cock-eyed.

Here is an encrypted transcript of a portion of the students simulation exercise:


















HINTS: N=E, V=S, ñ=ñ

Although these simulations are designed to be exhaustive and require dealing with some unusual complications that may seem unrealistic, the experience gained will allow you to achieve your goals by being prepared for anything.  

We hope that sharing this story with you has inspired you to seek a new career today. Remember, you too have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the world in any career path you choose.

Next week's Careers will be taking a deeper look into the exciting world of legal prostitution. Hands on students please save your lube and anal probes as we will be reusing these items.